From factory floor to data core: The rise of citizen data scientists in smart manufacturing

Citizen data scientists are reshaping smart manufacturing by utilizing advanced analytics and machine learning tools. No longer limited to traditional data scientists, shop floor employees now leverage real-time data to enhance decision-making, efficiency, and operational performance.

Citizen data scientists and machine learning

Smart factories are no longer a thing of the future. Instead, they are a reality of now, making space for a new type of data scientist – the citizen data scientist, in the factory. This is the result of growth in machine learning in manufacturing and augmented analytics.

With a growing number of connected devices paired with user-friendly tech, more workers are needed to leverage the resulting data. Regardless, the question still arises- can machine learning and augmented analytics only be leveraged by formal data scientists? The short answer to this is no. Now, let’s explore the why.

Shift to citizen data scientists at the advent of Industry 4.0

citizen data scientist inner image

Leveraging data is the new IT thing, with manufacturers looking to increase efficiency, productivity and OEE. With industry 4.0 technologies being used fervently, the frequency of data is not the only thing that has increased. With it comes the enhanced ability to handle and analyze complex and large sets of data i.e. Big Data.


No longer is the analysis and optimization of production processes, along with handling applications for AI-powered predictive and prescriptive analytics, the duty of data scientists. Plant managers are now tackling live production data on the ground level, having to make real-time decisions. Historians and edge data form the basis of analysis done by process engineers working on the shop floor. Such changes warranted the need for a more democratized approach to big data by nurturing the citizen data scientist.

What is a citizen data scientist?

Primarily, a citizen data scientist conducts moderate to advanced diagnostic analysis. This newer role in manufacturing is driven by the move into Industry 4.0. They generate and handle models and infrastructures by leveraging prescriptive or predictive analytics to analyze the resulting data. How citizen data scientists differ from conventional data scientists is their role is outside the field of statistics and analysis. In the manufacturing industry, both data scientists and citizen data scientists work closely together to tackle OEE challenges. A citizen data scientist typically has an engineering role, e.g. chemical, maintenance, quality and process engineers. They play a similar role to data scientists, leveraging their skills to improve continually within their speciality. Machine learning solutions, such as OmniConnect, conduct IT/OT convergence by gathering data from edge devices. It allows manufacturers to monitor factors such as product quality, consistency and asset performance. Quality engineers leverage these solutions to identify defective goods and products, helping reduce waste and uncover root issues. Similarly, process engineers uncover bottlenecks, that affect overall equipment efficiency (OEE), through machine learning solutions like OEEfficienci. By uncovering such instances on time, major cost savings can be enabled. They even utilize digital twin technology to get a view of the live production process and test and devise a solution.

Why is it essential to nurture citizen data scientists?

As we know, centralized and siloed data causes immense grief for manufacturing operations. Data science units that are siloed and centralized fail to utilise the large volume of important data, that can enable major problem solving for the business. This is particularly true for large multinational, that has hundred of business units sprawled all across the globe.     


On the other hand, the people working at the ground level of these business units are well versed in that data and the problems that need to be tackled. If these people were to be trained to become citizen data scientists, the opportunities that would arise are tenfold. The relevant people would utilize Big Data to handle issues arising in real time.


However, there’s a catch. To optimize success and minimize risks of integrating citizen data scientists into the AI and ML strategy of the organization, specific steps need to be taken.

Steps to mitigate hurdles for citizen data scientists

Machine learning tools do not tackle gaps in training, expertise and experience of the user. Hence, when used by an untrained, novice digital data scientist, certain pitfalls may occur. Therefore, certain steps need to be taken to ensure that citizen data scientists make the best use of these efficiencies.

Education and training

Desirable techniques and guidance should be published and shared with citizen data scientists. This allows them to discover answers to their queries and to continue to grow. For example, there are best practices that address issues such as unbalanced data sets, over and under-fitting models, etc. These practices should be readily accessible internally and searchable by everyone and anyone creating a model. The information can be made available in a variety of formats, including an internal platform or another similar software.

Sharing of similar use cases

The most effective educational tools you could use to serve your non-data scientist colleagues are case studies or example cases. They can use these as a template to develop their ideas. This has the added benefit of speeding up time-to-value and avoiding the duplication of work and, thus a waste of resources.

Access to external resources to educate and inspire

People operating within one group may suffer from ‘group think’, i.e. the inability to develop innovative solutions. One effective way to overcome that is to inspire and give access to resources which showcase the use of AI across all business functions and industries.

Alternative approach

As we’ve established, leveraging data is the ultimate way to sustain a competitive advantage. While data scientists are important, they are not always needed when trying to use ML for business success. Instead, employees can be trained to use real-time data, processed through machine learning solutions and IIoT platforms, for prompt decision-making.

To learn more about the importance of leveraging big data in fueling business success, click here.

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