Unlocking the mystery and potential of OT data historians

OT Data

With over three decades in the Controls Business, I’ve witnessed a remarkable evolution across every aspect of our industry. Yet, it’s baffling to see even the most reputable companies persisting with archaic methods of storing OT (Operational Technology) data. Some industry giants tout their proprietary cloud storage solutions, which, in today’s IT landscape, would be considered outdated relics. The world of information technology transitioned long ago into the realm of unstructured big data, rendering the need for compression and proprietary techniques obsolete.

Embracing the power of cloud IoT technology:

After years of experimentation and implementing visionary projects harnessing the capabilities of cloud IoT technology, I can confidently affirm that native Big Data OT applications on platforms like Azure, AWS, or Google cloud platform outshine traditional historians in every aspect. These cloud-based solutions excel in terms of speed, flexibility, connectivity, scalability, cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and IT/OT integration, making traditional historians pale in comparison.

The unspoken reality: Why aren't industry leaders talking about it?

The question that looms large is, why aren’t industry leaders championing these technological advancements? While I don’t possess all the answers, I can offer some plausible reasons for their silence:

Embracing modern OT data solutions could potentially disrupt existing business models or product lines, causing hesitation among industry leaders.

Many of these companies rely heavily on revenue generated from supporting legacy installations – shifting to cloud-based solutions may jeopardize these lucrative income streams.

The democratization of OT data through cloud technologies opens the doors to broader access to data. This, in turn, could democratize the use of AI and machine learning tools in the industrial sector, empowering individuals to develop models, digital twins, and more with basic cloud services.

The underappreciated asset: OT data

OT data has traditionally been one of the most undervalued assets in the business world. Its untapped potential has largely been overlooked due to historical challenges, including substantial capital expenditures (CAPEX), reliance on proprietary software and knowledge, ongoing obsolescence, high maintenance costs, and the need for a substantial scale to justify these investments. Consequently, a significant portion of the OT data market has remained unaddressed.

The winds of change: IoT and cloud revolutionize OT data

Enter the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing. These technological advancements are poised to revolutionize OT data management, dismantling the barriers that have long hindered its realization. We are on the cusp of a profound disruption, and exciting times lie ahead.

Conclusion: A new dawn for OT data

In closing, the transformation of OT data management is upon us. The transition from legacy historian systems to modern cloud-based solutions represents not only a leap in technology but also a paradigm shift in how we approach IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things). Embracing these changes is not only a strategic necessity but also an opportunity to unlock the hidden potential of OT data.
The mystery of OT data historians is unraveling, and it’s time to embrace the holy grail of modernization. Let’s welcome the future with open arms, for it promises to be a period of unprecedented innovation and growth.

In conclusion, the journey to Industry 5.0 is more than a technological upgrade; it’s a holistic transformation that propels your digital enterprise into a future of innovation, collaboration, and strategic resilience. Embrace these advancements, and let your business not just survive but thrive in the landscape of the next industrial revolution.

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